1958 Topps Baseball Complete Set 6.5 - EX/MT+

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 494
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 6.30 - EX/MT+
Average Grade - Unweighted 5.98 - EX/MT
Grade Breakdown
PSA 8 - NM/MT 13
8 - NM/MT 9
PSA 7 - NM 53
7 - NM 33
SGC 7 - NM 1
6 - EX/MT 229
PSA 6 - EX/MT 13
5 - EX 141
PSA 5 - EX 2
Price If Purchased Separately $30,378.45

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $30,378.45.

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This 1958 Topps Baseball Card Set contains 494 cards. Although the cards are numbered 1-495, card #145 was never issued. Each card features a brightly colored background with a large action shot of the player. The player's name, position, and team is below as well as a small team logo.
The 1958 Topps Complete Set includes many firsts for Topps. This is the first year Topps included a Sporting News All-Star card subset, the first year that team cards included series checklists on the back, and the first year Stan Musial appeared on a Topps card (#476 Musial All-Star).
The 1958 Topps baseball cards are very condition sensitive due to both centering issues and dirty cards.  Finding a 1958 Topps Complete Set in a true grade of 6 - ExMt, compares to finding most of the other sets of this era in a 7 - NrMt grade.  That said, 1958 Topps sets in lower grades are very affordable because of the absence of a rare high-numbered series and short-prints.
This 1958 Topps Baseball Card Set is loaded with Hall of Famers including: Williams, Lemon, Mays, Drysdale, Aaron, Clemente, Kaline, Aparicio, Snider, Roberts, Wynn, Bunning, Slaughter, Mantle, Kluszewski, Koufax, Schoendienst, Ashburn, Mazeroski, Spahn, F. Robinson, Killebrew, B. Robinson, Banks, Ford, Wilhelm, Cepeda, Berra, Reese, Fox, Mathews, and Musial.
The 1958 Topps rookie card class features: Orlando Cepeda, Roger Maris and Vada Pinson.

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Item #6750119
6.5 - EX/MT+
$18,472.00 after 20% discount

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