1969 Topps Deckle Edge #22 FOY Joe Foy 7 - NM

B69D 00 5074
7 - NM
$92.15 after 5% discount
1969 Topps Deckle Edge #22 FOY Joe Foy  Front Thumbnail
B69D 00 5074
7 - NM
$92.15 after 5% discount

Foy was added to the set so that the expansion Kansas City Royals would be represented.

B69D 00 5530
7 - NM
$92.15 after 5% discount
1969 Topps Deckle Edge #22 FOY Joe Foy  Front Thumbnail
B69D 00 5530
7 - NM
$92.15 after 5% discount

Foy was added to the set so that the expansion Kansas City Royals would be represented.

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