1974 Topps Traded Baseball Complete Set 5 - EX

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 44
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 4.77 - EX
Average Grade - Unweighted 4.77 - EX
Grade Breakdown
6 - EX/MT 3
5 - EX 24
4.5 - VG/EX+ 9
4 - VG/EX 7
3.5 - VG+ 1
Price If Purchased Separately $47.89

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $47.89.

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The 1974 Topps Traded Baseball Card Set contains 43 cards and an unnumbered checklist. The cards were included as inserts along with the 1974 Topps Baseball Cards and have the same card number as the player's card in the main 1974 Topps set, but with a T following the number.

This was the first traded set and featured players who were traded in December of 1973.  The cards feature "head shots" of the players, with either no hat, or a painted on hat.  Featured cards in the 1974 Topps Traded set include: Felipe Alou, Juan Marichal, Lou Piniella, and Ron Santo.

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Item #6529306
5 - EX

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