1975 SSPC Baseball Near Complete AUTOGRAPHED Set / Lot AUTOGRAPHED

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 534
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 0.00 - Autograph
Average Grade - Unweighted 0.00 - Autograph
Grade Breakdown
Price If Purchased Separately $22,821.25

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $22,821.25.

This almost complete set contains 534 cards out of the possible 630 cards. This is not a complete set.

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This is a 1975 SSPC Autographed Near Complete baseball card set.  It is often referred to as the 1976 SSPC set, since it was not released until 1976. 

These beautiful cards contain no print on the front, and are ideal for autographs.  Signed cards of this quality and quantity, rarely is available for purchase anymore.  Most of the cards are signed in a bold Blue Sharpie, which means that they were obtained in person. The signatures were collected, over a period of decades, by a father & son team.  
Adding another level of difficulty to completing a 1975-1976 Autographed SSPC set is that some players, like Bob Montgomery and Bob Stinson, have refused to sign SSPC cards, because they were not licensed by the MLB or the player's union and no royalties were paid.  Others like, Thurman Munson, Bob Moose, Danny Murtaugh and Danny Frisella, died in the 1970s and did not have the opportunity to sign many cards.
For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as a front and back scan of each card, please see the description below.

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Item #6576325
$12,776.00 after 20% discount
Dean's Cards has examined this item and it is our opinion that this item is genuine and authentic. We have come to this conclusion based on our experience and involvement with sports memorabilia.

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