1971 Topps Greatest Moments Almost Complete Set 6 - EX/MT

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 53
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 6.16 - EX/MT
Average Grade - Unweighted 5.90 - EX/MT
Grade Breakdown
PSA 7 - NM 13
SGC 7 - NM 1
PSA 6 - EX/MT 24
PSA 5.5 - EX+ 1
PSA 5 - EX 9
PSA 4 - VG/EX 5
Price If Purchased Separately $39,225.00

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $39,225.00.

This almost complete set contains 53 cards out of the possible 55 cards. This is not a complete set.

This set does not include the following cards: #1 Thurman Munson, #47 Reggie Jackson

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This 1971 Topps Greatest Moments Almost Complete set contains the majority of the 55 cards measuring 2 1/2" by 4 3/4". 
The cards in this set feature career highlights for some major league players.  Like the 1971 Topps Baseball Cards, the 1971 Topps Greatest Moments have a black front border.  Unlike the 1971 Topps Baseball cards that have green and black ink on the back of the card, the 1971 Topps Greatest Moments feature a red-bordered newspaper clipping.  There are 22 total Double-Prints in this set, but due to the 33 Single-Prints, completing a set can be a difficult challenge.

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Item #6260348
6 - EX/MT
$26,616.00 after 20% discount

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