1977 Topps -78 Hockey Complete Set - Premier 7.5 - NM+

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 264
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 7.31 - NM+
Average Grade - Unweighted 7.14 - NM
Grade Breakdown
8 - NM/MT 94
7.5 - NM+ 25
7 - NM 84
PSA 7 - NM 1
6.5 - EX/MT+ 3
6 - EX/MT 46
5.5 - EX+ 1
5 - EX 9
4 - VG/EX 1

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This is a 1977-78 Topps Hockey Complete Premier Set, which means that this set contains the highest grade of each card that we have available in our million card inventory.

The 1977-78 Topps Hockey Complete Set contains 264 cards, and has two checklists and five Record Breaker cards, showcasing records set from the previous hockey season.  Another notable thing about this set is that it would be Bobby Orr's last appearance on a Topps card.

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Item #5807385
7.5 - NM+
$2,280.00 after 20% discount

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