1974 Kelloggs Baseball Almost Complete Set 7.5 - NM+

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 45
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 7.54 - NM+
Average Grade - Unweighted 7.11 - NM
Grade Breakdown
8 - NM/MT 5
PSA 8 - NM/MT 1
7 - NM 38
6 - EX/MT 1
Price If Purchased Separately $559.25

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $559.25.

This almost complete set contains 45 cards out of the possible 54 cards. This is not a complete set.

This set does not include the following cards: #4 Bert Campaneris, #5 Carlton Fisk, #39 Bobby Bonds, #33 Rich Allen, #25 Ron Hunt, #9 Greg Luzinski, #8 Nolan Ryan, #2 Rick Monday, #3 Joe Coleman

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This 1974 Kelloggs Baseball Almost Complete Set contains the majority of the 54 cards that once again returned to the traditional Kellogg's three dimensional design that made these cards so unique.  This set is full of star players, most notably: Johnny Bench, Reggie Jackson, and Pete Rose, just to name a few.

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Item #6695236
7.5 - NM+
$409.50 after 10% discount

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