1953 Johnston's Cookies Complete Set - Premier 7 - NM

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 25
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 6.81 - NM
Average Grade - Unweighted 6.50 - EX/MT+
Grade Breakdown
PSA 8 - NM/MT 2
PSA 7 - NM 15
PSA 6 - EX/MT 6
4 - VG/EX 1
1.5 - FAIR 1

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This is a 1953 Johnston's Cookies Complete Premier Set, which means that this set contains the highest grade of each card that we have available in our million card inventory.

The 1953 Johnston Cookies Baseball set consists of 25 cards in total, each measuring 2 9/16" by 5".  Each card was distributed via boxes of cookies, but collectors could also purchase and receive the set in the mail.  Each card features a colorized, portrait-style, previously black-and-white photo of the player.  The card numbers can be found on the back of each card within the outline of a tomahawk.  The backs also include the player's personal statistics, batting record, basic biographical information, and the Johnston Cookies tagline, "No One Makes Cookies Like Johnston."  

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Item #6270374
7 - NM
$3,072.00 after 20% discount

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