1938 International Gum Don't Let It Happen Over Here Near Complete Set 4.5 - VG/EX+

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 16
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 4.49 - VG/EX+
Average Grade - Unweighted 4.09 - VG/EX
Grade Breakdown
6 - EX/MT 2
5 - EX 2
4 - VG/EX 9
3 - VG 2
1.5 - FAIR 1

This almost complete set contains 16 cards out of the possible 24 cards. This is not a complete set.

This set does not include the following cards: #1 Communists Shot Like Beasts, #8 Palestine-An Armed Camp, #9 Ruler Of The Sea Defied, #12 Brutal Nazi Lash, #14 Assassins Shoot At Midnight, #16 Whipped Until Dead, #17 Horror Camps In Naziland, #24 They Are Gone Forever

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The 1938 International Gum Don't Let It Happen Over Here set contains 24 cards depicting graphic images of events leading up to World War II, with text on the back explaining in more details the gruesome pre-war events.  As these cards came on the market at the same time as the more popular Horrors of War cards, fewer of these were collected, which makes finding these cards harder today.For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as a front and back scan of each card, please see the description below.

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Item #5144279
4.5 - VG/EX+
$1,192.00 after 20% discount

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