1909 T206 -11 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars 4 - VG/EX

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 390
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 3.78 - VG/EX
Average Grade - Unweighted 3.57 - VG+
Grade Breakdown
SGC 6 - EX/MT 1
PSA 6 - EX/MT 1
PSA 5 - EX 15
SGC 5 - EX 13
SGC 4.5 - VG/EX+ 2
PSA 4 - VG/EX 155
SGC 4 - VG/EX 29
4 - VG/EX 13
PSA 3.5 - VG+ 1
PSA 3 - VG 50
3 - VG 56
SGC 3 - VG 12
PSA 2.5 - GD+ 1
2 - GOOD 33
PSA 2 - GOOD 7
SGC 2 - GOOD 1

This almost complete set contains 390 cards out of the possible 391 cards. This is not a complete set.

This set does not include the following card: Red Ames CH, George Bell ABV, Bob Bescher AIR, Al Bridwell CAP, Howie Camnitz SID, Frank Chance BAT, Hal Chase TRO, Ty Cobb GRN, Wid Conroy FLD, Doc Crandall xCAP, Sam Crawford THR, Harry Davis xH, Mike Donlin FLD, Patsy Dougherty AIR, Tom Downey BAT, Larry Doyle POR, Kid Elberfeld NY, Johnny Evers POR, Lou Fiene POR, Miller Huggins SHO, Willie Keeler POR, Ed Killian PCH, Red Kleinow BOS, Jack Knight POR, Harry Krause PCH, Nap Lajoie POR, Joe Lake NY, Sherry Magee POR, Rube Marquard TGH, George McQuillan BALL, Chief Meyers POR, George Mullin POR, Danny Murphy BAT, Rube Oldring BAT, Charley O'Leary KNE, Barney Pelty HRZ, Nap Rucker POR, Germany Schaefer DET, Wildfire Schulte FRT, Carlos Smith SHR, Lee Tannehill L, Joe Tinker OFF, Hooks Wiltse PCH, Cy Young GLV

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The tobacco card set now known as T206 was issued from 1909 to 1911 in cigarette and loose tobacco packs via 16 different brands, all of which owned by the American Tobacco Company.  The set consists of 390 cards total. This set is considered a landmark set in the history of baseball card collecting due to its size, rarity, and quality of color in its depictions of players.  

These cards are also known as "white borders" due to their classic design, as a white border surrounds a colorful lithograph with the player's last name and the appropriate city below the image in black ink.  The back of the card features only an advertisement for one of the 16 tobacco brands issuing the cards.  
This Near Complete Set / Lot contains no duplicate cards. 
For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as a front and back scan of each card, please see the description below.

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Item #4703364
4 - VG/EX
$177,680.00 after 20% discount

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