1960 Topps CFL Almost Complete Set 6.5 - EX/MT+

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 74
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 6.53 - EX/MT+
Average Grade - Unweighted 5.63 - EX+
Grade Breakdown
8 - NM/MT 7
7.5 - NM+ 2
7 - NM 8
6.5 - EX/MT+ 8
6 - EX/MT 14
5.5 - EX+ 2
5 - EX 18
4.5 - VG/EX+ 1
4 - VG/EX 8
3 - VG 4
2 - GOOD 2
Price If Purchased Separately $1,377.85

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $1,377.85.

This almost complete set contains 74 cards out of the possible 88 cards. This is not a complete set.

This set does not include the following cards: #5 Randy Duncan, #25 Joe Kapp, #29 Hugh Simpson, #32 Paul Dekker, #36 Ron Howell, #45 Ivan Livingstone CL, #48 Veryl Switzer, #53 Bill Clarke, #58 Bobby Marlow, #67 Dave Thelen, #75 Jim Rountree, #76 Dick Shatto, #83 Ernie Pitts, #87 Charlie Shepard

Dean's Cards offers a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on all purchases. Just contact us within 30 days of the purchase date and we will refund your money or, when possible, replace the cards.

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Item #4743580
6.5 - EX/MT+
$936.00 after 20% discount

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