1936 Gum Inc. G-Men and Heroes of the Law Near Complete Set 3 - VG

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 154
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 2.79 - VG
Average Grade - Unweighted 2.61 - GD+
Grade Breakdown
4.5 - VG/EX+ 3
4 - VG/EX 11
3.5 - VG+ 2
3 - VG 69
2.5 - GD+ 1
2 - GOOD 55
1.5 - FAIR 11
1 - POOR 2
Price If Purchased Separately $9,369.45

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $9,369.45.

This almost complete set contains 154 cards out of the possible 168 cards. This is not a complete set.

This set does not include the following cards: #1 G-Men Riddle - Pretty Boy Floyd, #10 G-Men Track Down - John Dillinger, #11 G-Men Trap Wily Fugatives - Machine Gun Kelly, #19 Two G-Men Meet - Baby Face Nelson, #28 G-Men Deliver Death, #45 Satan's Disciple, #76 The Trail of the Secret Symbols, #100 The Dragnet Snares Its Prey, #121 G-Men Blot, #326 Doom of the Marksman, #349 Crushing the Cry Baby Bandits, #381 The Crimson Thread, #389 Payment in Blood and Fire, #427 Race in the Little Red Car

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This is a 1936 G-Men and the Heroes of the Law Near Complete Set, and contains some of the cards from the full set.  There are no duplicate cards.  The 1936 G-Men and Heroes of the Law set contains 168 numbered cards measuring 3 1/8" by 2 1/2".  

These 1936 G-Men and Heroes of the Law cards depict a full color action picture on the front, and a brief "official" story from the records of G-Men, Famous Police organizations, and Heroes of the Law.  There are various inconsistencies in this set.  On the back of the cards, there is a statement claiming that there are 240 cards total to collect, but the card numbers skip ranging from card #25-451.  Cards #200 and higher are much more scarce than the lower numbered cards in the set.  
For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as a front and back scan of each card, please see the description below.

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Item #5051695
3 - VG
$6,672.00 after 20% discount

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