1909 T206 New York Giants Near Team Set 4 - VG/EX

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 26
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 3.77 - VG/EX
Average Grade - Unweighted 3.63 - VG+
Grade Breakdown
PSA 5 - EX 2
SGC 5 - EX 2
PSA 4 - VG/EX 10
SGC 4 - VG/EX 2
4 - VG/EX 1
PSA 3 - VG 5
2 - GOOD 3
1.5 - FAIR 1

This set does not include the following cards: Red Ames CH, Doc Crandall xCAP, Mike Donlin FLD, Larry Doyle POR, Rube Marquard TGH, John McGraw AIR, Chief Meyers POR, Admiral Schlei BAT, Cy Seymour BAT, Hooks Wiltse PCH

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This T206 New York Giants Near Team Set was built as a more affordable option to the standard team sets, by ommitting the higher priced cards.  For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as their front and back scans, please see the description below.

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Item #6750147
4 - VG/EX
$9,696.00 after 20% discount

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