1954 Topps Detroit Tigers Team Set w/o Kaline 4.5 - VG/EX+

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 18
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 4.26 - VG/EX+
Average Grade - Unweighted 4.00 - VG/EX
Grade Breakdown
5 - EX 4
4 - VG/EX 10
3 - VG 4

The following card is omitted, in order to keep the cost of the set reasonable. It can be purchased separately: #201 Al Kaline

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This is a 1954 Topps Detroit Tigers Near Team Set. It contains every Detroit Tigers player that was featured on a 1954 Topps Baseball Card, except for the expensive Rookie Card of Al Kaline. Both Topps & Bowman issued baseball card sets in 1954., and while a few players had cards in both sets, most only appeared in one. For the collector to get all of the 1954 baseball cards for a particular team, he should purchase both the 1954 Topps and 1954 Bowman Team sets.

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Item #3710390
4.5 - VG/EX+
$405.00 after 10% discount

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