1952 Topps Cincinnati Reds Near Team Set 3 - VG

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 19
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 2.83 - VG
Average Grade - Unweighted 2.76 - VG
Grade Breakdown
4 - VG/EX 2
3 - VG 10
PSA 3 - VG 1
2 - GOOD 5
1.5 - FAIR 1

This near team set contains 19 cards out of the possible 28 cards. This is not a complete set.

The following cards are omitted in order to keep the cost of the set reasonable#406 Joe Nuxhall, #405 Eddie Pellagrini and #347 Joe Adcock

This set does not include the following cards: #379 Joe Rossi, #328 Bob Borkowski, #344 Ewell Blackwell, #350 Cal Abrams, #391 Ben Chapman, #323 Bubba Church

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This is a 1952 Topps Cincinnati Reds Low Number Near Team Set, which includes the majority of the players, but is assembled with the budget collector in mind. By omitting a few of the high priced cards, we are able to offer a Near Team Set that contains the majority of the cards, at a fraction of the cost. For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as their front and back scans, please see the description below.

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Item #4282583
3 - VG
$501.50 after 15% discount

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