1960 Topps 1960 Topps Cincinnati Reds Near Team Set

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Cincinnati Reds Team Sets (630 available)
1960 Topps Reds (1,067 available)

NM - 7

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 26
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 6.78 - NM
Average Grade - Unweighted 6.73 - EX/MT+
Grade Breakdown
7 - NM 19
6 - EX/MT 7
Price If Purchased Separately $591.00

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $591.00.

This near team set contains 26 cards out of the possible 37 cards. This is not a complete set.

The following cards have been omitted, in order to keep the cost of the set reasonable, and can be purchased separately.#164 Reds Team Checklist

This set does not include the following cards: #187 Jay Hook, #535 Whitey Lockman, #345 Don Newcombe, #490 Frank Robinson, #235 Gus Bell, #524 Bill Henry, #173 Billy Martin, #518 Tony Gonzalez, #543 Elio Chacon, #325 Jim O'Toole

Dean's Cards offers a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on all purchases. Just contact us within 10 days of the purchase date and we will refund your money or, when possible, replace the cards.

This is a 1960 Topps Cincinnati Reds Near Team Set. Dean's Cards has designed our Near Complete Team Sets using the majority of cards for that team - leaving out the expensive super-star rookie cards, high numbers, short-prints, and multi-player rookie cards, reducing the price. the other cards can then be added, from our inventory of over a million cards, as your budget allows. For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as their front and back scans, please see the description below.

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Item #6623617
7 - NM
$442.00 after 15% discount

EX/MT - 6

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 31
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 5.83 - EX/MT
Average Grade - Unweighted 5.65 - EX+
Grade Breakdown
7 - NM 5
6 - EX/MT 11
5 - EX 14
4 - VG/EX 1
Price If Purchased Separately $286.60

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $286.60.

This near team set contains 31 cards out of the possible 37 cards. This is not a complete set.

The following cards have been omitted, in order to keep the cost of the set reasonable, and can be purchased separately.#164 Reds Team Checklist

This set does not include the following cards: #535 Whitey Lockman, #490 Frank Robinson, #524 Bill Henry, #518 Tony Gonzalez, #543 Elio Chacon

Dean's Cards offers a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on all purchases. Just contact us within 10 days of the purchase date and we will refund your money or, when possible, replace the cards.

This is a 1960 Topps Cincinnati Reds Near Team Set. Dean's Cards has designed our Near Complete Team Sets using the majority of cards for that team - leaving out the expensive super-star rookie cards, high numbers, short-prints, and multi-player rookie cards, reducing the price. the other cards can then be added, from our inventory of over a million cards, as your budget allows. For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as their front and back scans, please see the description below.

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Item #3983823
6 - EX/MT
$202.50 after 10% discount

EX - 5

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 31
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 5.22 - EX
Average Grade - Unweighted 5.16 - EX
Grade Breakdown
6 - EX/MT 8
5 - EX 20
4 - VG/EX 3
Price If Purchased Separately $216.90

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $216.90.

This near team set contains 31 cards out of the possible 37 cards. This is not a complete set.

The following cards have been omitted, in order to keep the cost of the set reasonable, and can be purchased separately.#164 Reds Team Checklist

This set does not include the following cards: #535 Whitey Lockman, #490 Frank Robinson, #524 Bill Henry, #518 Tony Gonzalez, #543 Elio Chacon

Dean's Cards offers a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on all purchases. Just contact us within 10 days of the purchase date and we will refund your money or, when possible, replace the cards.

This is a 1960 Topps Cincinnati Reds Near Team Set. Dean's Cards has designed our Near Complete Team Sets using the majority of cards for that team - leaving out the expensive super-star rookie cards, high numbers, short-prints, and multi-player rookie cards, reducing the price. the other cards can then be added, from our inventory of over a million cards, as your budget allows. For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as their front and back scans, please see the description below.

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Item #3683941
5 - EX
$157.50 after 10% discount

VG/EX+ - 4.5

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 31
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 4.54 - VG/EX+
Average Grade - Unweighted 4.39 - VG/EX+
Grade Breakdown
6 - EX/MT 1
5 - EX 10
4 - VG/EX 20
Price If Purchased Separately $149.49

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $149.49.

This near team set contains 31 cards out of the possible 37 cards. This is not a complete set.

The following cards have been omitted, in order to keep the cost of the set reasonable, and can be purchased separately.#164 Reds Team Checklist

This set does not include the following cards: #535 Whitey Lockman, #490 Frank Robinson, #524 Bill Henry, #518 Tony Gonzalez, #543 Elio Chacon

Dean's Cards offers a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on all purchases. Just contact us within 10 days of the purchase date and we will refund your money or, when possible, replace the cards.

This is a 1960 Topps Cincinnati Reds Near Team Set. Dean's Cards has designed our Near Complete Team Sets using the majority of cards for that team - leaving out the expensive super-star rookie cards, high numbers, short-prints, and multi-player rookie cards, reducing the price. the other cards can then be added, from our inventory of over a million cards, as your budget allows. For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as their front and back scans, please see the description below.

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Item #4685175
4.5 - VG/EX+
$112.50 after 10% discount

VG+ - 3.5

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 26
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 3.52 - VG+
Average Grade - Unweighted 2.85 - VG
Grade Breakdown
5 - EX 1
4 - VG/EX 4
3 - VG 11
2 - GOOD 10
Price If Purchased Separately $74.31

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $74.31.

This near team set contains 26 cards out of the possible 37 cards. This is not a complete set.

The following cards have been omitted, in order to keep the cost of the set reasonable, and can be purchased separately.#164 Reds Team Checklist

This set does not include the following cards: #146 Rookie Star - Ted Wieand, #506 Lee Walls, #535 Whitey Lockman, #490 Frank Robinson, #524 Bill Henry, #449 Jim Brosnan, #173 Billy Martin, #518 Tony Gonzalez, #434 Brooks Lawrence, #543 Elio Chacon

Dean's Cards offers a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on all purchases. Just contact us within 10 days of the purchase date and we will refund your money or, when possible, replace the cards.

This is a 1960 Topps Cincinnati Reds Near Team Set. Dean's Cards has designed our Near Complete Team Sets using the majority of cards for that team - leaving out the expensive super-star rookie cards, high numbers, short-prints, and multi-player rookie cards, reducing the price. the other cards can then be added, from our inventory of over a million cards, as your budget allows. For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as their front and back scans, please see the description below.

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Item #6711196
3.5 - VG+
$62.23 after 5% discount

GD+ - 2.5

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 22
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 2.49 - GD+
Average Grade - Unweighted 2.27 - GD+
Grade Breakdown
3 - VG 7
2.5 - GD+ 2
2 - GOOD 10
1.5 - FAIR 2
1 - POOR 1

This near team set contains 22 cards out of the possible 37 cards. This is not a complete set.

The following cards have been omitted, in order to keep the cost of the set reasonable, and can be purchased separately.#164 Reds Team Checklist

This set does not include the following cards: #459 Reds Coaches - Reggie Otero / Cot Deal / Wally Moses, #146 Rookie Star - Ted Wieand, #206 Claude Osteen, #506 Lee Walls, #535 Whitey Lockman, #490 Frank Robinson, #524 Bill Henry, #449 Jim Brosnan, #173 Billy Martin, #518 Tony Gonzalez, #21 Dutch Dotterer, #434 Brooks Lawrence, #543 Elio Chacon, #352 Cincy Clouters - Gus Bell / Frank Robinson / Jerry Lynch

Dean's Cards offers a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on all purchases. Just contact us within 10 days of the purchase date and we will refund your money or, when possible, replace the cards.

This is a 1960 Topps Cincinnati Reds Near Team Set. Dean's Cards has designed our Near Complete Team Sets using the majority of cards for that team - leaving out the expensive super-star rookie cards, high numbers, short-prints, and multi-player rookie cards, reducing the price. the other cards can then be added, from our inventory of over a million cards, as your budget allows. For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as their front and back scans, please see the description below.

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Item #6080778
2.5 - GD+

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