1964 Philadelphia Football Complete Set 7.5 - NM+

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 198
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 7.45 - NM+
Average Grade - Unweighted 7.16 - NM
Grade Breakdown
8 - NM/MT 40
PSA 8 - NM/MT 13
7.5 - NM+ 8
7 - NM 111
PSA 7 - NM 4
6.5 - EX/MT+ 2
6 - EX/MT 15
PSA 6 - EX/MT 1
5.5 - EX+ 2
5 - EX 1
4 - VG/EX 1
Price If Purchased Separately $9,765.15

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $9,765.15.

Dean's Cards offers a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on all purchases. Just contact us within 30 days of the purchase date and we will refund your money or, when possible, replace the cards.

This 1964 Philadelphia Football Card Complete Set includes all 198 standard size cards, each measuring 2 1/2" by 3 1/2".  This is the first of consecutive sets produced by the Philadelphia Gum Co. The 1964 Philadelphia Card Set contained only players from NFL teams, while the Topps football sets contained only players from the AFL.  The number sequence of the cards is organized by the player's team and then alphabetically.  This set has a team card and play of the year card for each team, as well as two checklists.

The 1964 Philadelphia Football Card Set contains 33 players and 4 coaches who were eventually inducted into the football Hall-of-Fame.  The 1964 Philadelphia set also contains five rookie cards of future Hall-of-Famers. They are: #3 John Mackey, #71 Herb Adderley, #91 Merlin Olsen, #110 Mick Tingelhoff, and #161 Jimmy Johnson.

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Item #5856447
7.5 - NM+
$6,168.00 after 20% discount

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