1961 Nu-Card Scoops #408 - Lew Burdette Wins No-Hitter, 1 to 0 7 - NM

B61N 01 9435
7 - NM
1961 Nu-Card Scoops #408   -   Lew Burdette  Wins No-Hitter, 1 to 0  Front Thumbnail
B61N 01 9435
7 - NM
B61N 01 9449
7 - NM
1961 Nu-Card Scoops #408   -   Lew Burdette  Wins No-Hitter, 1 to 0  Front Thumbnail
B61N 01 9449
7 - NM
B61N 01 9450
7 - NM
1961 Nu-Card Scoops #408   -   Lew Burdette  Wins No-Hitter, 1 to 0  Front Thumbnail
B61N 01 9450
7 - NM
B61N 01 9451
7 - NM
1961 Nu-Card Scoops #408   -   Lew Burdette  Wins No-Hitter, 1 to 0  Front Thumbnail
B61N 01 9451
7 - NM
B61N 01 9484
7 - NM
1961 Nu-Card Scoops #408   -   Lew Burdette  Wins No-Hitter, 1 to 0  Front Thumbnail
B61N 01 9484
7 - NM

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