1977 Topps Cloth Stickers #54 Robin Yount

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1977 Topps Cloth Stickers (349 available)
1977 Topps Cloth Stickers Brewers (15 available)
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NM/MT - 8

B77C 00 0418
8 - NM/MT
$65.55 after 5% discount
1977 Topps Cloth Stickers #54  Robin Yount  Front Thumbnail
B77C 00 0418
8 - NM/MT
$65.55 after 5% discount
15B 00 0622
$89.30 after 5% discount
1977 Topps Cloth Stickers #54  Robin Yount  Front Thumbnail
15B 00 0622
$89.30 after 5% discount

EX - 5

B77C 00 0093
5 - EX
1977 Topps Cloth Stickers #54  Robin Yount  Front Thumbnail
B77C 00 0093
5 - EX

VG/EX - 4

B77C 00 0034
4 - VG/EX
1977 Topps Cloth Stickers #54  Robin Yount  Front Thumbnail
B77C 00 0034
4 - VG/EX

FAIR - 1.5

B77C 00 0369
1.5 - FAIR
1977 Topps Cloth Stickers #54  Robin Yount  Front Thumbnail
B77C 00 0369
1.5 - FAIR

The front/back of these cloth stickers have become detached

B77C 00 0370
1.5 - FAIR
1977 Topps Cloth Stickers #54  Robin Yount  Front Thumbnail
B77C 00 0370
1.5 - FAIR

The front/back of these cloth stickers have become detached

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