1964 Topps #238 Roy McMillan 6 - EX/MT

1964 Topps #238  Roy McMillan  Front Thumbnail
B64T 10 3820
6 - EX/MT

The thin vertical line on the near the left edge is part of the picture - not a flaw on the individual card.

1964 Topps #238  Roy McMillan  Front Thumbnail
B64T 10 3824
6 - EX/MT

The thin vertical line on the near the left edge is part of the picture - not a flaw on the individual card.

1964 Topps #238  Roy McMillan  Front Thumbnail
B64T 10 5650
6 - EX/MT

The thin vertical line on the near the left edge is part of the picture - not a flaw on the individual card.

1964 Topps #238  Roy McMillan  Front Thumbnail
B64T 10 7828
6 - EX/MT

The thin vertical line on the near the left edge is part of the picture - not a flaw on the individual card.

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