1968 Topps Baseball Complete Set 5.5 - EX+

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 598
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 5.38 - EX+
Average Grade - Unweighted 5.10 - EX
Grade Breakdown
7 - NM 1
6 - EX/MT 173
5 - EX 325
PSA 5 - EX 1
4 - VG/EX 81
3 - VG 17
Price If Purchased Separately $9,309.32

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $9,309.32.

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The 1968 set is the last one that Topps produced that contained 598 cards, due to the fact that four new several expansion teams would join the league the next year. The 1968 Topps card features a photo of the players that is surrounded by an unusual speckled border, which tends to hide flaws.  The 1968 Topps Baseball Card Set has two important sub-series: League Leaders (7-12) and World Series (153-158). 

Key Rookies in the 1968 Topps Set include cards: #247 Johnny Bench, and #177 featuring Nolan Ryan and Jerry Koosman.

Players included in the 1968 Topps set that are now in the Baseball Hall of Fame are: B. Robinson, B. Williams, Seaver, Mays, Mathews, Carew, Perry, Stargell, Gibson, Sutton, Aaron, Perez, Morgan, Drysdale, Clemente, Brock, Yaz, Ryan, Cepeda, Marichal, Bunning, Killebrew, Rose, Kaline, Bench, Niekro, Mantle, McCovey, Aparicio, Wilhelm, Banks, F. Robinson, Hunter, Mazeroski, Carlton, Jenkins, and Palmer.

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Item #4799901
5.5 - EX+
$5,288.00 after 20% discount

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