1956 Topps Davy Crockett Orange Back #1 King of the Wild Frontier

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1956 Davy Crockett - Orange Back (1,327 available)

VG - 3

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3 - VG
$72.68 after 5% discount
1956 Topps Davy Crockett Orange Back #1  King of the Wild Frontier Front Thumbnail
VN01 01 4476
3 - VG
$72.68 after 5% discount

GOOD - 2

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2 - GOOD
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1956 Topps Davy Crockett Orange Back #1  King of the Wild Frontier Front Thumbnail
VN01 01 4302
2 - GOOD
$49.88 after 5% discount

FAIR - 1.5

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1.5 - FAIR
1956 Topps Davy Crockett Orange Back #1  King of the Wild Frontier Front Thumbnail
P56T 01 6609
1.5 - FAIR


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1956 Topps Davy Crockett Orange Back #1  King of the Wild Frontier Front Thumbnail
VN01 01 4380

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